Mobile intercom solution for self-isolating and reduced mobility elderly

Mobile intercom solution for self-isolating and reduced mobility elderly
Qvadis intercom

An innovative new mobile intercom could offer a solution for elderly people who are self-isolating, and who live with mobility or sensory issues.

Opening the front door may seem like a simple action, but for the vulnerable who are isolating, the option risks exposure to infection. As much of the elderly population continues self-isolating due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one innovative device – a mobile intercom – could offer a solution for this vulnerable population who could be having difficulty answering their doors or house phones.

The intercom, designed by Qvadis, focusses on making life easier in the home, and its useful features have been utilised during the COVID-19 pandemic – such as easy connectivity and calls.

How can a mobile intercom help people self-isolating?

The mobile intercom requires no extensive and invasive installation as it is compatible with all homes, with only the main landline telephone device needing to be updated.

One features of the mobile intercom allows for the opening of a door by simply sliding a button on the screen, saving the elderly and vulnerable populations from needing to physically answer the door. This can help with infection control as it restricts human contact whilst still allowing for clear interaction.

The intercom also focusses on communication, allowing the user to connect with family and friends through group calls. This can help people who are self-isolating to stay in touch with their loved ones, which can improve mental health and strengthen social and family connections when face-to-face visits are restricted.

How can it help the elderly with mobility and sensory issues?

Elderly people often have trouble answering their doors or phones due to mobility issues or due to sensory issues, such as being hard of hearing. The Qvadis mobile intercom allows its ‘home portal’ phone to be connected to the mobile phone, meaning those who are hard of hearing will be able to hear the ring through the mobile phone which they keep on their persons.

The elderly who have mobility issues will also benefit from not needing to move from their bed or chair if this is a struggle, allowing them to open, or ‘answer’ their front door by simply answering their mobile phone and speaking to the person outside.

For more information on this innovative mobile intercom please visit:


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