Rapid exercise is key to recovering muscle strength after inactivity

Rapid exercise is key to recovering muscle strength after inactivity

Several years of hospitalisation, one example of muscle inactivity, causes a disproportionate decline in the muscle strength known to affect balance.

This increases the risk of joint injuries, and hinders movements involved in sports, eventually leading to decreased muscle strength according to research from the University of Roehampton, published in Experimental Physiology.

The research suggests that rehabilitation programmes should work to build the strength involved in these types of activities, using typical kinds of resistance exercise, such as leg presses, but with the attention of lifting the resistance as rapidly as possible.

Effects of long-term inactivity on muscles

The effects of long-term muscle inactivity, for example sedentary behaviour, hospitalisation, or space travel, have proven difficult to study in a laboratory environment, as there are ethical issues with enforcing prolonged physical inactivity.

Previous research has shown that the thigh muscles of individuals with an amputation below the knee are used less during movement and therefore become weak.

Amy Sibley, Neale Tillin and colleagues at the University of Roehampton used below-knee amputees as a model to understand muscular changes that happen with long-term inactivity. Similar changes might happen in the muscles of someone who is hospitalised, sedentary, or travelling in space.

Scientific studies have previously defined two main types of strength: maximum and explosive. Maximum strength is  the maximum capacity of your muscles for producing force. People rarely need to utilise this maximum capacity in daily activities.

Explosive strength is the ability to quickly produce force, and is relevant during many daily activities such as recovering from a loss of balance, avoiding joint injuries, and when playing sports. The researchers showed that when they compared maximum and explosive strength, amputees lost comparatively more explosive strength.

They also found that the muscular changes that accompanied this reduction in strength could not have been anticipated from the typical short-term bedrest studies, and were specific to the type of strength examined.

Recovering muscle strength

Rehabilitation regimens (for amputees or other populations who have experienced inactivity) should be tailored to help them recover explosive strength specifically.

Amy Sibley, first author of the study said: “This research has exciting potential to help people who have been inactive long-term, due to hospitalisation for example, regain the strength they need for daily activities such as avoiding falls.

“To achieve this aim, clinicians need to be specific about the type of strength training they use, for example typical resistance exercise should be performed with the attention of lifting the resistance as rapidly as possible.”

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  1. Is it possible to include
    “recovery from stroke”
    I suffered from. Stroke in May 2018 and has assumed coaching tennis again but have not recovered. My movements are restricted due to imbalanced.

  2. Good, let’s do powerlifting,🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️🏋️🏋️🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️💪💪💪💪

  3. Strength is just strength. There is no “explosive strength”. Rapid launching around of weights increases the risk of injury, considerably. After periods of inactivity, being deconditioned, the risk of getting injured is even higher still. So performing reps at 100mph is not a good idea. Just lift the weights with great technique, in a slow, controlled manner. You’ll much better keep your balance that way anyway.

  4. stay away from crossfit. Do a more athletic type protocol . Example Try doing 3 sets of say chin ups :
    1st set do exremely fast reps to build explosive power both concentric and eccentrically fast with proper form no kipping.
    2nd set do 1 rep over 20 or 30 seconds
    ( dynamic isometric)
    3rd set do a yielding isometric in the mid range of the movement for 20 seconds adding time as you get stronger up to a minute ( very hard).
    this will improve your efficiency , power and your physique will improve .
    Do this for all your exercises but never more than 2 exercises per day ( 6 sets)
    Remember the biggest reasons athletes take drugs is to recuperate. So watch your CNS.


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