Varicose veins, spider veins, and solutions to both explained

Varicose veins, spider veins, and solutions to both explained
© iStock/gilaxia

No matter what age you are, you may find yourself dealing with the experience of varicose veins or spider veins, here we explore the information, symptoms, and treatment.

Though there are differences between the issues of varicose veins and spider veins, they can both be stubborn and frustrating problem to deal with – and they can take a serious toll on your confidence, particularly in spring and summer or during vacations when you’re supposed to be carefree.

Understanding the distinction between varicose veins and spider veins can help you figure out how to find very real solutions to help bring back a complexion you feel proud of.

Here we explore the main things you should know in the realm of skincare and ways you can go about fixing them.

The difference between the two

Before searching for solutions, it’s important to understand the differences between varicose veins and spider veins.

Since they have very different causes and appearances, they also, understandably, have different solutions and treatments as well.

Varicose veins can be recognised as large, rope-like veins visible beneath the skin. They often can appear twisted and can be found anywhere on the body but are most commonly developed in legs and ankles due to the pressure involved in excessive time spent on your feet.

The reason for such an appearance is that the valves in the veins, typically responsible for helping blood flow to the heart (and not backwards due to gravity), malfunction and cause the blood to pool and swell.

The pressure then builds up and pushes against the wall, giving them the enlarged appearance they are known for.

Alternatively, spider veins are typically smaller and are instead recognisable because of their bright blue and red appearance which jumps out and grabs attention.

Unlike varicose veins which are typically caused because of excessive pressure and strain, spider veins have a variety of possible origins. Some of these origins include obesity, family history, hormones, excessive standing and walking or a general history of blood clots.

Though very different, both types of vein abnormalities are very visible and can often be difficult to conceal or remove.

Difficult does not mean impossible, however, and there are simple and easy treatments to make them disappear and help you regain your confidence in your skin.

The world of varicose veins

While varicose veins can be frustrating and difficult to conceal, there are fortunately very effective and accessible treatments available.

One of the most common and well-known treatments in the medical community for varicose veins would be Endovenous Laser Therapy (EVLT).

The process involves inserting a small laser into the vein to reverse the process that caused the swelling in the first place. This cuts blood flow to the abnormal veins and allows them to shrink and eventually disappear.

This process can offer a bit of discomfort, but treatments typically last only around ten minutes, so there isn’t much to worry about in terms of genuinely unpleasant experiences during treatment.

As if repairing your varicose veins and restoring a healthy and smooth appearance to your skin isn’t enough, EVLT can also help a great deal with conditions like restless leg syndrome as well as decreasing pain and swelling in your legs.

This treatment is innovative and replaces the more traditional and far more unpleasant strategy of vein stripping and ligation. This process requires anaesthesia and a long recovery, neither of which are a part of EVLT.

Currently, there are great options in terms of treating varicose veins, so living with the insecurity of this abnormality is no longer something individuals have to face without choice.

What do you know about spider veins?

Treatment for spider veins is different, but it is equally accessible and can give you the same smooth, vein-free solutions.

Currently, there are two popular and successful treatments available: VeinGogh Vein Treatment and Sclerotherapy.

VeinGogh Vein Treatment is more than a cleverly named procedure. It is the faster and more reliable route as far as treatments go. It also is conducted with minimal discomfort, allowing that to be left off of your list of concerns when seeking help in this area.

The device that delivers this treatment is small and is an essentially perfected version of previous laser treatments. It instantly eliminates the unwanted veins without the downsides of scarring or overall discomfort.

Alternatively, if insurance or personal funds don’t support the VeinGogh Vein Treatment, there is also the more traditional route of Sclerotherapy.

Sclerotherapy is a treatment that specifically targets small vein problems like spider veins or even smaller varicose veins. The procedure involves injecting a typically salt-based solution into the problem vein to irritate it and cause it shrink and eventually be absorbed into the body.

Though they may be quite different, both of these treatments are effective and worth discussing with a doctor in your area.

By taking your own personal situation and circumstances into consideration, healthcare professionals will help you decide which route is best for you. Either way, you’ll be able to regain your confidence and your pride in clear skin.

You are not alone

If you suffer from varicose veins or spider veins, you are not alone in feeling frustrated or self-conscious in the way they look.

Fortunately, they don’t have to be a permanent feature that you have to learn to live with. Both types of issues have real and solid solutions; it’s really only a matter of taking the time to reach out to a doctor in your area who can provide you with some advice on your specific situation.

Tori Lutz
Guest Author

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  1. Thanks for differentiating the varicose veins and spider veins and the factors responsible for its appearance. Some people have no idea about such complications. Deformities in the valves situated in the vein which prevents the backward flow of the blood are solely responsible for the development of varicose veins. Prolonged standing and genetics are solely responsible for the development of such complications. So, a person should take precaution to avoid any such kinds of health hazards.


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