Sunday, May 5, 2024

Pharma News

Health Europa brings you the latest Pharma News the field of European Healthcare & Social Care Policy.

Experimental liver cancer treatment provides new care options

Experimental liver cancer treatment provides new care options

A new drug, discovered by the University of Barcelona, that can inhibit cell division and growth in enzymes could revolutionise liver cancer treatment. The new...
Access to antibiotics without a prescription is damaging healthcare

Access to antibiotics without a prescription is damaging healthcare 

Research from the University of Gothenburg has suggested many people in Sweden are obtaining antibiotics without a prescription, causing serious issues for the Swedish...
The controversy around falsified Alzheimer's research 

The controversy around falsified Alzheimer’s research 

NervGen Pharma Corp. explores approaches to Alzheimer’s treatment culminating in its own novel method for treating nervous system damage using the revolutionary NVG-291 drug. Finding...
Ground-breaking Hepatitis C virus imaging could lead to vaccine

Ground-breaking Hepatitis C virus imaging could lead to vaccine 

A team of researchers from Scripps Research and the University of Amsterdam have learned how to map high-resolution images of critical proteins on the...
Blood pressure medication is equally effective at any time of day

Blood pressure medication is equally effective at any time of day

A new study by the University of Edinburgh finds that blood pressure medications are effective regardless of whether it’s administered in the morning or...
Experimental medicines could be the key to a HIV cure

Experimental medicines could be the key to a HIV cure 

A team of Danish researchers have made significant steps towards finding a HIV cure through the use of experimental medicines.   Existing treatment for HIV can...
Making pharma supply chains more sustainable

Making pharma supply chains more sustainable

Nico Ros, Co-Founder and CTO of SkyCell discusses how to make pharma supply chains more sustainable. As businesses everywhere look for ways to reduce their...
New malaria vaccination could be deployed by 2023

New malaria vaccination could be deployed by 2023

A new malaria vaccination, developed by the University of Oxford, could be launched in 2023 after trials find it to be 80% effective.  The new...
Dementia diagnosis is more likely in people taking multiple medications

Dementia diagnosis is more likely in people taking multiple medications

A dementia diagnosis is more likely in people who are taking three or more medications, according to an international research team.  The study is the...
New cancer treatments made possible by genome research

New cancer treatments made possible by genome research 

Researchers from the University of Bern have outlined new cancer treatments against non-small cell lung cancer by analysing the ‘dark matter’ of the human...
Making treatment for malignant tumours better for the kidneys

Making treatment for malignant tumours better for the kidneys  

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute have optimised treatment for malignant tumours using radionuclides. Potential side effects to the kidneys can now be significantly...
New trial offers new hope for Crohn’s disease patients 

Exciting trial offers new hope for Crohn’s disease patients 

A new clinical trial beginning in Scotland will aim to improve treatment options for patients with Crohn’s disease.  Crohn’s disease is a lifelong condition causing...
Diagnostics and antimicrobial therapyAMR

Diagnostics and antimicrobial therapy

Lorna Rothery spoke to Professor Till Bachmann, an expert in molecular diagnostics and Chair of the JPIAMR’s SAB, about how diagnostics can inform optimal...
No difference between spinal or general anaesthesia in hip fracture surgery

No difference between spinal or general anaesthesia in hip fracture surgery 

 A new study from the University of Bristol has found no differences in the safety or effectiveness of spinal or general anaesthesia for hip...
Europe’s quest for new antibiotics

Europe’s quest for new antibiotics

Rosa Castro of the European Public Health Alliance argues for an alternative to a transferable exclusivity extension to address the lack of new antibiotics. At...

New melanoma treatment reduces the risk of reoccurrence

Around 1,500 people aged 12 years and over will benefit from a new melanoma treatment that reduces the risk of reoccurrence and spreading. Melanoma is...
Enhancing treatment efficacy and antigen delivery with Accum

Enhancing treatment efficacy and antigen delivery with Accum

Defence Therapeutics outlines the potential of their innovative AccumTM technology to improve intracellular antigen delivery and ultimately enhance treatments for cancer and infectious diseases. Defence...
Heart medication could be used to treat alcohol use disorder

Heart medication could be used to treat alcohol use disorder

According to research from the National Institutes of Health, a medication used for heart problems and high blood pressure may be effective in treating...
New type 2 diabetes medication works better than existing treatment

New type 2 diabetes medication works better than existing treatment

A new study has found that people who received weekly injections of the type 2 diabetes medication, tirzepatide, reached their target blood glucose levels...
Broad-spectrum antibiotics could make melanoma worse

Broad-spectrum antibiotics could make melanoma worse 

The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics during melanoma treatment may make the disease worse by damaging the gut microbiome, according to new research from Emory...

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